Last kiss

re(al)creation of Adam
21st century beggars

Follow the lines

Love for Light
Born in Lubań, Poland in 1972, his mother is Polish and father Greek.
Moved to Athens, Greece in 1982.
Studied Interior Architecture, Decorative Arts and Industrial Design at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens.
Since the year 2000, has been working and experimenting on Computer-generated visual media (3d digital image - animation, digital video, new media).
Has been teaching digital arts & design, graphics, interior design and ceramic design in many art institutes.
Member of CultureInside, slashTHREE, Artia Gallery, Art.lica & WANDAprint, International Art Collectives.
Member of the Greek Chamber of Fine Arts.
Lives and works in UK, Poland and Greece.
◎ in Lubań, Poland in 1972, his mother is Polish and father Greek.
Moved to Athens, Greece in 1982.
Studied Interior Architecture, Decorative Arts and Industrial Design at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens.
Since the year 2000, has been working and experimenting on Computer-generated visual media (3d digital image - animation, digital video, new media).
Has been teaching digital arts & design, graphics, interior design and ceramic design in many art institutes.
Member of CultureInside, slashTHREE, Artia Gallery, Art.lica & WANDAprint, International Art Collectives.
Member of the Greek Chamber of Fine Arts.
Lives and works in UK, Poland and Greece.
這位藝術家的作品超有科技感與夢幻感,第一次知道這位藝術家是在網路上看到「Last kiss」這件作品,這張作品很有質感,每一條纏繞編織的線都超明顯,飄逸的細絲和已經編織好的嘴和臉的一點點,呈現了明顯的對比使焦點置於正中間,看到這位藝術家其他作品時覺得很超現實,尤其加上線條、圖形、色彩、人物造型的變化讓整張作品充滿張力,律動的線條和幾何圖形使畫面很生動,而且每件的作品名稱與作品內容很有關連,會再次仔細觀察作品所要傳達的事物。